Friday, October 30, 2009

Activation of Chymotrypsinogen

Oh Man
Feel the enzymes
Do your legs come out of your eyes
control it
Or you will end up
Fruit Fly

Ok... So Selene has left... i think she's on the run because she killed Victor... he totally desrved it though.

Bio Girl

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Butterflies fly away...

For those of you who read this... my friend is leaving me for three months and is going to Africa. For internet purposes she will remain named Selene (Oh yes... an Underworld reference)

Dear Selene,

Oh how can I fully express my distress at you leaving. I am going to miss you more than anything. Now, I figure I should make you feel bad first and then feel good... yeah I think thats a good thing.

So... first of all, I am stuck in this college with so many people and so many dramatic events and who am I going to text as an outside bank of secrets??? First of all, I text and call you all the time, and yes I mean all the time. When I was walking in a creepy dark alley way, I called you... ofcourse you called me after i got through the alley way but still, I called! Then, I call you when two guys are getting it on in the same room as me - don't you feel special?? Then, whenever any cute boy says anything remotely awesome.. or cool... or just adorable... I ALWAYS text you afterwards with the details... Ok... now, when I am overreacting about something that has happened to me, who do I text or call to calm myself down? YOU!!! And now, three months, or 90 days are going to pass in which I can't use my phone to contact you and there is no way to give you a minute by minute update on my life!!!! How can you do this to me???? (see i'm freakin out a bit....)

Now, I am going to try and calm myself down without your help... its not working. Who am I going to look after at parties and who am I going to go out with to dinner and coffee with??? Who am I going to be able to... excuse the gross factor those of you who aren't Selene... fart in front of without being judged????? Jesus christ... who am I going to discuss religion with and our futures???Aren't our kids supposed to get married to eachother??? What if I figure something out... when can I tell you... in 90 fricken days??? Ok Bio girl... calm down. Who am I going to discuss Underworld with as well as shoes, clothes, guys, traveling, and just life with??

Ok... now is the sappy part. Selene, I am going to miss you tooo much as you can see. I have grown to really rely on your advice, and your presence whenever i need it. I know that we are going to be friends for forever no matter where we are and we will do so many things together... from traveling around France to eating food to just sitting and screaming our lungs out to overplayed songs. Wait... didn't we do that last night?? Anyways... I will miss our partying and "chilling" as well... who can I do that with now??? Oh dear... Well. I think I must end this or I wil just go on for 90 days and you will be back!!

I love you so much and will miss you.

Good Luck in Africa and most importantly, enjoy every minute of your time there!!


Bio Girl

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rev up your Chicken for H1N1

So... major chem test tomorrow and I don't know any chemistry. WTF... I'm screwed.

Anyways... cool facts of the day:

A chicken is made in 21 days
ASCB stands for American Society for Cell Biology
RPI Study group teaches you chemistry
Bud and Ben are gay

Ok.. End of Post.


Bio Girl

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chocolate and Vanilla

How can you decide which you like better? I want to be able to enjoy both but it always seems like there must be a yes or no, black or white type decision. I go through life wondering which one is better. Maybe I should look at the history and growth of vanilla and chocolate. Yeah... thats what i'm gonna do.

Chocolate: It is thought that it originated about 4,000 years ago in the Amazon. Then it was used in Mayan culture and the word chocolate comes from the Mayan word xocoatl which means bitter water. It has continued from century to century. Even Hernando Cotez himself used th cocoa bean as a means of currency. There used to be a bitter drink that was made from the cocoa bean - Cortez wasn't a big fan so he suggested adding sugar to the drink... making it into hot chocolate. Soon, Chocolate became a craze in Paris, all over France, Rome and England. Solid eating chocolate was developed by a British facory in 1830. Wow... chocolate is so cool and that is only some basic facts... there is a lot more to chocolate that I haven't even mentioned!!

Vanilla: Vanilla also came from Mexico. It was used as a medicine for different congestinal problems and even venemous bites. It was thought by the Aztecs that making a drink with Vanilla is like drinking a drink if the gods. Cortez himslef also took a liking to vanilla, bringing it back to Spain with him as well. In 1608, Hugh Morgan, an apothecary discovered that the bean could be used as a flavoring on its own. Vanilla ended up moving all over the world, ending up in Madagascar of all places. Did you know that apparently Queen Elisabeth the first had a passion for vanilla? Oh the interesting things you can learn!

So now that I have researched... I still don't know what I like better. Maybe I'll just like both so that I can eat even more and enjoy even more than just being selective... Yeah... that's what I'm gonna do.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My eye... my eye!!

Ok so i'm gonna take a break from the daily poem from bio class and talk about my eye... So I have a stye which is annoying. A stye is a bacterial infection or growth on the eye lid... or around the eye... for me... my inner lower eyelid has inflamed and there is a big growth of bacteria. This is really annoying because not only does it hurt but it is itchy as well. I went the the doctor's office and the doctor told me to use a heat pack (warm washcloth) and keep heating the stye so that it would increase blood flow and the bacteria would die... well after 5 days it has not changed. I have been in more pain and my stye has grown, so I went to the doctor's office again. This time, the doctor prescribed me an ointment as well as some antibiotics. This is a good example of how two different medicines can be combined to work on the same problem. The combination of ointment and antibiotics works on the outside of my body (ointment) as well as the inside (antibiotics). Of course I am taking these medications a few times a day... three times a day for the antibiotics and four times a day for the ointment. What an annoyance (as i've said before :) )

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mitosis and Meiosis

Why do we all go through the daily divide?
The crease in her forehead
the look of thought
how do the genes keep flowing?
the cancerous lump of cells
keeps her from moving
do the drugs hide your fear?
shorten it and deal with it

Friday, October 2, 2009

Monkey Man

Nowhere do you jump and play
Ever heard of where the dead go
Always needing bones to stay
Nasal changes features fly
Do you feel the sadness
Even seeing the icy approach
Read and learn to make the sound
Tools you throw and wash away
Happy to see you separated
Arise from the depths of modern men
Leave for a better place

The Four Legged Amphibian


one dash four
four dash one

The sounds of species
Changes the seas
Migration is the key
Overflowing to expansive

one dash four
four dash one

Name the beautiful
Test taking Struggles
Hybridize the daylight love

one dash four
one dash four

Baby lion
Feeds Orion
Feel the forces flow
Kill the feel
Camels see
Among the average
Avenging fish

four dash one
four dash one

Delete the controlling
Dancing means
Kiss the powerful

One dash four

